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Click to view full story of "Dreambox CI + Manager Version 1.5"

michele01: Dreambox CI + Manager Version 1.5 (lun 22 giu 2015, 23:27)


http://imageshack.us/a/img845/51/9x8.gif Dreambox CI + Manager Version 1.5 http://imageshack.us/a/img845/51/9x8.gif

Changelog zur Version 1.5:

- new Layout
- CI+ Slots can be now activated separate
- Status for CI+ slots now visible on the right if you select each Slots
- Start - Stop now over green button
- Setup available over yellow button (for now only for CI+ Pin)
- Card slots also working if Dreambox CI+ Manager is active

Welcome to the installation guide for the "Dreambox CI + Manager Version 1.5" ( Only for DM7080HD !! )

With this plugin, both Common Interface slots are active for CI +.

The installation package "Dreambox CI + Manager Version 1.5" (enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreambox-ci-plus-manager-1.5.deb) will copied to the Dreambox via an FTP program.
We assume in our example the free tool "Total Commander".
Please start "Total Commander" and connect to your Dreambox using the "FTP" button.
Change to folder "tmp".
Copy "enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreambox-ci-plus-manager-1.5.deb" into directory "tmp"
After the installation package has been copied successfully close "Total Commander" and open a telnet program.
We assume in our example PuTTYTel.
Please start "PuTTYTel" and connect to your Dreambox.
It will open now a new terminal window and we log in as root on the Dreambox. If you have protected the root login then you have to insert your password.
After a successful login, we go to the directory "tmp" in which we have previously copied our installation package "enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreambox-ci-plus-manager-1.5.deb" with "Total Commander".
The command for this is:

cd / tmp

Now we are in directory "tmp".
Now we start the installation with the following command:

dpkg -i * .deb

The installation finishes now with a small error (not so bad) because a depency could not be installed
Package enigma2-plugin-extensions-socketmmi is not installed.

This depency which is stored in our installation package "enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreambox-ci-plus-manager-1.5.deb" was not installed automatically.
This can be re-installed with the following command:

apt-get update && apt-get -f install

Now missed packages will be installed and have to be answered with a "y" for -> Yes, we want to install the required missing package.
After successful installation message appears that we have now successfully installed the "Dreambox CI + Manager Version 1.5"

To activate the Dreambox CI + Manager we have to do a reboot (non GUI restart !!)
Either you can restart over Menu -> Standby / Restart -> Restart or via Telnet with following command

systemcrtl reboot

After a successful restart the "Dreambox CI + Manager Version 1.5" is active and you can use the HD + module and the Sky module in Dreambox 7080HD.

If previous Version "Dreambox CI+ Manager Version 1.4" is installed you have to remove it first before installing Version 1.5.
You have to connect via Telnet to your Dreambox
For deinstalling previous version you have it dot following Telnet command:

dpkg -r enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreambox-ci-plus-manager
systemctl reboot

After reboot you can install new version.

This Plugin will work on every Image which is based on OE2.2 from opendreambox.

Attached you can see pictures from Dreambox CI+ Manager

Icone allegate Icone allegate








