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Click to view full story of "SamsChannelEditor-v0.12"

Ghost: SamsChannelEditor-v0.12 (mar 10 giu 2014, 14:37)


SamsChannelEditor is a desktop application for editing a channel list from your Samsung TV. Now sorting channels should be much easier.
•Support Samsung C and D Series.
•Works with scm files directly.
•Support for multiple channels configurations:
•Support for configuration files (read-only)
•Easy to use: Just drag & drop channels.


There's no setup package, just download the zip file from SamsChannelEditor, extract all in a folder and execute ''samschanneleditor.exe''.

This application is written in C# so you need the .Net framework 2.0 (or newer) to be installed on your computer. You can download here : NET Framework