* ATR indicator under card information> ATR
* Auto CAS ID (if a card is inserted where the CAS-ID does not exist in the module, the software automatically inserts them.
TivuSat 183e Card support now given.
statement Block Function:
* Automatic block EMM for V13, V14 under Mode On / off
Menu> Settings> Mode> auto emm len for v13 / v14 on / off
(Proven block EMM containing lengths for V13 and V14 1-29,31-35,37-47,50,52-53,55- 1-38,40,42-44,65-124,126-127,131,139-255 in this option )
* Message if card paired
This software constitutes an expanded display function under Card Info CAS-ID. For example, whether the card is used to V13, V14 already paired,
or whether Tier's are expired ...
* EMM block function for various cards (especially for s*y V13, V14), length can be determined by the user in the menu card information.
(Blocker is preventing the pairing (To prevent marry the s*y card with rental receiver or CI + module of the Provider, or at least delay) a trial.
Can only be callable if there is a smart card in the module.
Menu> Card Information> respective Caid of the inserted card ( nds (9C4) etc,,,> Select Display CAS-ID, serial number, Entitlement, EMM Blocker> EMM blocker select> setting
Blockemm-u (blocked only unique EMM)
Blockemm-s (blocked only shared EMM)
Blockemm-g (blocked only global EMM)
Blockemm-Bylen (This EMM can be all listed here, blocked with a specific length.)
give them EMM length (Here is the manual input)