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Moderatori: GioTag, filolau


Messaggioda Ghost » lun 25 ago 2014, 18:39

FOR Biss Use Software 5.18 / Für Biss Version 5.18 verwenden.


SRG Swiss EMU 13° East

10971 H / 29700
SRF 1 HD, SRF zwei HD, RTS Un HD, RTS Deux HD

11526 H / 27500
RTS un, TSI 1, RTS Deux, TSI 2, RSI La 1HD

12399 H / 27500
SRF 1, SRF 2, SRF info, RSI La 2 HD


Austria Sat and ORF

Open Channels on 19,2 East Astra:

AXN 10920 H / 22000
MTV Hits,MTV Dance,VH-1,MTV Rocks 11739 V / 27500
MTV Music 24 11973 V / 27500
RTL Living 12187 H / 27500
Animax 12515 H / 22.000
Kabel Eins Classics 12544 H / 22000
Sat.1 Emotions 11422 H / 22000

ORF Sport Plus, ATV2,ATV, ATV HD 11243 H / 22000
ORFeins HD,ORF2HD, 11302 H / 22000
Puls4 Austria 12051 V / 27500
ORF III 12662 H / 22000
ORFeins,ORF2,ORF Regional Channels, 12692 H / 22.000



* TNT Sat (SD) Kartenunterstützung angepasst
* MRS Unterstützung hinzugefügt (Max Multi Room Solution, der neue Karten Splitter)
* TNT Sat (SD) adjusted card support
* MRS Support added (Max Multi Room Solution, the new Cardsplitter)
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Messaggi: 9956
Iscritto il: sab 19 apr 2014, 9:25
Località: Toscana
Has thanked: 270 times
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