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[E² Plugin] TS-E2iplayer

Moderatori: GioTag, filolau

[E² Plugin] TS-E2iplayer

Messaggioda michele01 » sab 20 apr 2024, 20:37

Immagine[E² Plugin] TS-E2iplayer Immagine


Add PKG "python-request"
Matrix: try fix EgyBest
Update Link :
- hosttuktukcinema
- hostshahid4u
Matrix: Update veresion 6.4.0b
- DULOURD] - Best search results
- Alldebrid - Testing token validity
- Ergonomics
- Alldebrid - Testing token validity
Minor handling fix
Add parser vidhidevip and jodwish

To install run the following command in telnet

wget --no-check-certificate "" -qO - | /bin/sh
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